Regulations for Cedar Brook Burial Ground, Inc.

The following information is meant to clarify questions and concerns that have been asked recently.

Cedar Brook Burial Ground is a green cemetery with the goal of preserving the area in its natural state,therefore the following regulations must be followed:

1. Only native plants are allowed.  No geraniums, pansies, etc. or plastic flowers, or other ornamentation shall be placed on the grave sites.  Containers or bouquets of flowers that are placed at the grave site on the day of the funeral or any time someone visits will be removed once they have died.

2. All burial containers, whether a wooden coffin, shroud, body bag, or container for cremated remains, must be biodegradable.

3. There is no embalming of the body.

4. Winter burials are possible and in fact several have occurred in recent winters.

5. The only maintenance done is a minimum of twice a year the grounds are mowed with a DR Mower to control underbrush growth so graves are easy to locate.

6. Everyone may select a field stone from the property for free or bring a similar one from their home property if so desired.  All stones must be laid flat to the ground.  Stones may be engraved with the deceased’s name, dates of birth and death and any inscriptions or designs the family wishes.  NO POLISHED OR COLORED STONES.  If you have any questions regarding a stone you are considering, please contact me at 207-637-2085 or

7. A local engraver, Blasted in Stone, owned by Scott and Kari Kelly of Standish, engrave stones for an extremely reasonable price.  For more information, they can be contacted by telephone at 207-642-5300, via email at or on their web page at

8. All prices quoted at the time of grave purchase are applicable at that time. Prices are subject to change should there be a change of outside service providers, an example being the opening and closing of the grave.

Thank you for your understanding and acceptance of these regulations.

Joyce Foley

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